What if my package gets lost or arrives damaged?Updated 4 months ago
Shipping Damage in Transit
Please inspect your package by opening the shipping and retail boxes before accepting the delivery. Items may become damaged in transit even if the packaging does not show signs of damage.
Do not accept delivery of packages that are visibly damaged without inspecting their contents. If any merchandise appears to be damaged, please refuse delivery of the item and write, "Refused due to damage" on the delivery receipt. Keep a copy of the delivery receipt with your notes regarding the damage and contact our Customer Care Team immediately. Claims with outer packaging damage must be received within 3 days of receipt of merchandise.
Please keep all packing materials and boxes until you confirm all contents are in good working condition. If you discover any missing items or damage to merchandise after the shipment was accepted, notify our Customer Care Team immediately. Claims for missing items or items damaged in transit must be received within 15 days of receipt of merchandise.
More information regarding our shipping policies is available here.